Woolworths Group Ltd 주가 추이
Woolworths Group Ltd 과거 데이터
24일간의 Woolworths Group Ltd 주가 이력을 보고 각 일별 주식 시가, 즉 거래일 거래소 개장 시 주식이 처음 거래되는 가격, day는 해당 기간 동안 거래된 최고 가격이며 최저 가격은 해당 기간 동안 거래된 최저 가격과 종가, 즉 Woolworths Group Ltd 주식이 정상적인 거래 세션에서 거래되는 마지막 가격입니다. 테이블의 마지막 열에서 이전 종가에 대한 오늘의 종가 비율인 백분율 변화를 볼 수 있습니다.
Woolworths Group Ltd 주식 정보
Woolworths Group Ltd, formerly Woolworths Limited, is a trading company with the largest retail chain in Australia. Woolworths Group Ltd operates general merchandise consumer stores and supermarkets, as well as engages in procurement of liquor, food and products. Woolworths also operates hotels which includes pubs, accommodation, food and gaming operations.
Woolworths Group Ltd was founded in 1924 in New South Wales, Australia. Nominal capital of Woolworths Group Ltd was just £185,000 and although 85,000 shares were offered to the public, only 81,707 shares were subscribed for by 619 people, including the five founders – Percy Christmas, Cecil Scott Waine, Stanley Chatterton, George Creed and Ernest Williams.